Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ten Twitter Lists All Photographers Should Follow

The image has nothing to do with Twitter lists, just puppy training india style, now sit....stay...

1.) The Future of Media
"Folks thinking and exploring how the media will change."Andrew DeVigal is a guy worth following in your main feed all by himself. He's really plugged in and connected to the online media and publishing scene. Andrew is Multimedia Editor at the New York Times - and he knows practically everyone.

He has several lists that are really great this is an awesome list from Andrew. Reading this one is like looking into an online crystal ball focused on the media business.

People on this list include some very smart, forward-thinking people: Jeff Jarvis; Andrew Nystrom; Jason Fried; Dan Gillmore; Tom Kennedy; Nieman Lab; Dave Winer; Malcolm Gladwell; Ken Doctor; Owen Youngman; Craig Newmark; and JD Lasica.

2.) Multimedia Makers

This one is also from Andrew DeVigal, and it's essential reading for anyone interested in producing multimedia content. But be warned, this chatter in this list could very well steal hours of your day because links to really inspiring multimedia content are flying around like crazy.

Some of the highly respected people on his list include: Vincent Laforet; Trent Nelson; Brian Storm; Tom Kennedy; Joe Weiss; Kenny Irby; Ami Vitale; Seth Gitner; Bob Sacha; and Zach Wise.

3.) Photographic Organizations
David Sanger has several very useful lists, this one is especially helpful. Keeping up with the events and announcements of these groups is much easier because of this list. I think it's important to keep up with what's going on with the industry trade organizations, and to participate actively so that you're speaking up for your own best interests.

He's done a good job getting them all together in one list.

Some of the organizations on this list include: APA New York & San Diego; NAPP; NPPA; WHNPA; PPA; NANPA; NAPP; ASMP; and Editorial Photographers.

4.) Photography and the Law
Here's another list from David Sanger. I find this really fascinating and enlightening to read. It is packed with copyright and intellectual property chatter. I cruise through this list just so I can see what's happening with the law as it applies to the creative industry.

5.) Photo Business Advice
"Marketing, advertising, smart web stuff... " is what this list is all about. It's put together by Dragon-Fly Studio, and it's a good idea for a list. Here, you'll find a lot of good photo-related business tweets that may spark some ideas for the running of your own business.

This lists currently follows 24 Twitter accounts, including: Michael Zhang; David Hobby; Photopreneur; and John Harrington.

6.) Photography Industry Blogs
This list is maintained by El Raim. It's a convenient place to go to get a sense for what's buzzing about on the blogs of the photo biz.

This list includes: APhotoEditor; TheClick; Nikon; Magnum Photos; DPReview; NikonRumors; The Photo Argus; and our very own PhotoShelter Blog!

7.) Newspaper Photo Departments
This list is maintained by Gerik Parmele, a newspaper Photo Editor and Photojournalist at the Daily Tribune in Columbia, Missouri. It's a great list that lets you keep up on what's happening with the photo staffs of the most influential newspapers.

The list currently includes are the photo staff of: The New York Times; Denver Post; San Jose Mercury News; Atlanta Journal-Constitution; Boston Globe; The Detroit Free Press; and The Sacramento Bee.

8.) Stock Photography Business"List of stock photographers who blog about their business."

If you're interested in what's happening within the Stock Photography industry, subscribe to this list. It follows some really smart people, and you'll learn a lot real quick.

Some of the people on this list include: David Sanger; Tyler Olson; Lee Torrens;
John Lund; and Jack Hollingsworth.

9.) Photo Educators"Photo muse, educators, mentors, inspirations."

Blogger Wendy Blomseth has put this list together, and it follows the accounts of those who make share their knowledge as educators and mentors.

Some of the people on this list include: Scott Kelby; Joe McNally; Rob Haggart (APhotoEditor); and Peter Pereira.

10.) PhotoShelter Users
This is a list I put together so I could tune into what PhotoShelter users are saying. I created it just for me, really, but 87 people are following it too! I like this list because it has a nice fun energy that's sort of unpredictable, yet everyone has something to do with the photo community.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Shold photographer become cinema photographers?

then I watched this video  I thought I'm in love, I wont to do that but I am sure this is a big moutian to climb, but after I had a  look around the web, I found out that it was not shot on a DLSR but was animated piece but also it seems that there are quite a few of you out there doing it already.
A few weeks ago, I was shooting for a client, that just happen to say "we're back here tomorrow, we're doing a 90sec video about this room" me thinks I could do that, some nice art pans, some fad in's outs of some sumptuous details and lingering wide shots, set to some Chopin soundtrack, Well if I dont have a go, I will never find out if I could or ......then I read this guy blog and it made me a bit scared  so what, good to be scared, makes you do things that you would not normally do. So I am off to buy a few bits for the DLSR ans see what I can do.

Friday, April 9, 2010

India calling

Well its been quite a while since I was on the blog, we are in India at our house in Kerala at the mo, after my mums death, funeral and sorting out her things, to come away has been bliss, India has blessed us with good weather, no probs with out house and our 2 dogs are looking very heathey. We've been here for just over a week and have just slowed down to india speed. Got Radio 3 on Late junction on the web, anyone thats not tried it, should do, I really love it when you are up late processing/blogging ect...its very good in my book. Have a liscern your self...

Have had a few shoots over the last couple of months and will post about them later, have also been working hard on a new website for myself which will have my blog on it aswell, seem the done think to do these days.

Anyway good to be back and feeling better about mum, please can just take a moment to thank veryone for there loving kind words, time and heart touching throughts, as a son that has just losted the one person that has been with me all of my life, it is realy good to know you guys are out there for me. When can I come for sunday dinner...

The Indian break is doing us a lot of good and really feel this year is going to be good for my soul.